Saturday, 13 September 2014

Day 11 of 29 something a bit different

Hello, I hope you are enjoying your Saturday. I've spent the morning pottering about, cooking dinner etc ready for when my man comes home ravenous from his long walk.

On Wednesday we went to Marmsbury and in particular to Abbey house gardens ( the naked gardeners ). We loved it! It's is probably the most interesting garden we have seen. It is full of curios with twists and turns and some magnificent planting. We also had to chuckle to ourselves because low and behold Ian ( who partly owns the property with his estranged wife ) was out in the garden tending to it, with a long T-shirt on and boots, and what looked like nothing else. We didn't get too near him just in case lol. 

We were also very sad to hear via an eavesdropped conversation that he has to sell the property due to his wife filing for divorce. We know that the town are very worried that who ever buys it, will close it to the public thus ending the Torist  attraction that brings in wealth to the small town. So my plea to Tony who may purchase the property, is let us still have this magnificent and wonderfully interesting garden available to us if only for some time of the year.

Anyway I've got carried away! Here is my interpretation of one of the gargoyles we found there. I hope you like it as much as I enjoyed creating it. 

Thanks for looking and I'll see you very soon

Debs xxx



  1. Well, I can't say he's very pretty, lol, but he's definitely interesting and a clever drawing! Thanks for the story behind it Debs and I hope your pleas don't fall on deaf ears.

    Lesley Xx

  2. Well hello Mr Darcy... Awesome drawing, really love that you haven't stuck with female faces & drawn something full of grit and interest. Love this one Debs!

    Sad story, am hopeful all will work out as it should do:-) xxx


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Hugs Debs xxx

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