Monday, 8 September 2014

Creative blog hop

Good morning,  and welcome! what a wonderful way to start the week, with a creative blog hop. I was kindly asked to take part by the talented JulieAnne who is fellow PATwit and twitter friend. This blog hop is about getting to know each other by answering some questions.

So here goes, 

Something about myself - I will 53 on Tuesday which will be celebrated in Cirencester as we are on our hols. I have been married for 31/2 years to a wonderful guy although we have shared a home for over 12 years. 

Love this in our garden

We love to holiday in the UK especially in the Lakes around Ambleside although it was Cornwall 18months ago when my crafting journey began. Since then it has become extremely important to me. I have always been creative but never had anywhere where I felt I could create as at that time I had only ever used oils and water colours both of which were kept away in a cupboard. Whereas now I have a small summer house in the garden and a sewing room in the house.

I have a beautiful daughter and 3 fabulous grandchildren who live in South Wales. We talk nearly everyday on the phone and Skype etc.  with today's technology our families are never that far away.

At the moment I'm not working on anything. I have just finished four birthday cards, but I've sorted
through my stash and brought a nice selection with me. So hope to get some to play while we are away. 

My fav thing to create is whimsey girls, and  I love to draw faces. I use social media a lot and often become inspired by blog challenges. I love to enter the challenges when I can and seeing all the other entries is a real treat. I'm often blown away by the creativity and talent of others. 

One of my girls 

Joining social media groups has been an excellent way to get to know like minded people. I have learnt so much from my peers over the last few months as someone always knows of a different way to use something or is sharing tips, such a fun, kind and sharing community. 

My creative process works in different ways; my favourite,  is when I see apiece of art from someone else and feel inspired to make my own. I love the feeling of my mind being pulled in all directions as colours and textures whirl round demanding to be assembled into some piece of art that has almost just grown itself. The connection through art in this way is amazing. Every piece has been inspired and is inspiring to others moving the connection on.

I made this for my daughter and son- in-law when they had their baby Winter it was inspired my the

mothe and child by Klimt

I sometimes struggle to stay focused and have learnt to recognise these times as a process. Sometimes I just create and create and other times I'm lost. When this happens I usually start to play with products and experiment with colours. This kind of playing is good because it helps me to remember the different mediums I have some of which just get forgotten as I pull out the same ones all the time. 

Another way to refocus is to draw. Nothing particular, I just see who/ what can be shaken from the pencil and go from there. Other times I do what many of us do and that is to put it down leave it for a while and revisit it at  a later time. This usually knocks me out of a feeling of not knowing where to go with it.

Well I think that's enough about me! Time to introduce two kind ladies who agreed to be nominated. Known to her friends as MassofHair and Sarah B thank you ladies. I hope you enjoyed your visit. Take care 

debs xx 



  1. Great post Debs, great to know how you get inspiration and how that then unfolds. You are a very talented lady with a passion for what you do, am glad you decided to go Social and put yourself out there in Blog land.

    I get a lot of my inspiration from you and am grateful for your encouragement of my efforts.

    Off to think of what to write...

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR TOMORROW, you will be 8. Have a wonderful time in Cirencester.

    Love and Light
    M :-) xxx

  2. Great to find out a bit more about you Debs. Hope you have a fabulous birthday and a lovely holiday xxx

  3. great to know more about you Debs - this was a great idea to start going - we all know so much about what we all create but not who is behind the creations.

    A big hug for a wonderful birthday tomorrow.

    Better start writing my piece (words are not my strong point lol )


  4. What a lovely, uplifting and fun post. It was so interesting to read about your process; what inspires you to create and so on. I love the idea of the art almost creating itself! Your Klimt inspired drawing is superb, so warm and loving. Thank you so much for joining in and inviting us so warmly into your lovely, creative world. Julie Ann xxx

  5. It is brave and inspiring to hear your thoughts........not good at describing myself!
    Your shadow box is packed ready to post to you if you would like to let me know
    where. Best regards, Penny.

  6. Hello Debs, this is my first time here and what a wonderful way to meet you, I love all your work, bit I absolutely love your original drawings, I always wished I could draw :). Its fabulous how we crafters all encourage each others and inspire each other, well I'm following you now. Hope you have a wonderful BD and a fabulous holiday, lovely to meet you...

  7. Well done Deborah, it is beautifully written. Love visiting your blog and often being amazed at your creations. Xx


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my blog. Your comments are appreciated.

Hugs Debs xxx

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.