Sunday, 8 January 2017

Quick journal page

Hello everyone, thank you for taking the time to visit me today, I hope you like a quick journal page I completed last week. I have found it difficult to create the last few weeks, having very little inspiration and even trying my 'go to' journal didn't help much. I don't often struggle so it has been frustrating to say the least. I've started several pieces then become bored or think it's rubbish and dump it into my try again later pile, which is currently huge.

Do you ever feel this way? I would love to know what sparks your creativity or what you do to get it going again, so please leave your thoughts in the comments and let's have a discussion!

Anyway I had a play and came up with this!


I used my tiny shapped  Jelly plate and Fresco Acrylic Paint from Paper Artsy to create this unique background. I applied the paint and then 
Gently made patterns on the plate then stamped them onto the page. I chose colours randomly at first, then once I got the effect I wanted 
I went for colours that would contrast.


The picture below shows more contrast and I have also used my Stencil in places


Once I was happy, I moved on to the feature! I used white as I wasn't sure at this stage whether I would use colour or not on the flowers.


I chose to paint one and leave the others white! I added the white circles to pull it all together. 


I used a black pen around the flowers and added some dots.


A close up! 


Well that's it for now! 

Take care hugs


  1. this looks fab, Debs. When I lose inspiration I just stop, lol!

    1. Thanks Helen, like your strategy but that doesn't work for me unfortunately. If I stop I find it harder to start again lol xx

  2. I love this. The blog as always is great. I love to see the different stages. Ali xxxx

  3. It's lovely Debs. I have 'lost it' at the moment so know just how you feel. I think I was trying to go in too many directions so am going back to my roots - pen and watercolour sketching, but have just enrolled on Wanderlust 2017 so am hoping the art journaling will have a kickstart. Happy New Yaer! x

    1. Thank you, yes it's hard when you are pulled in so many directions, I'm very similar! Going back to basis sounds like a good plan. I too am on the course so will look out for you xx

  4. I like to just start with some colour. I find prompts difficult but found colour palettes more my thing. May be think of your most favourite things and something from your list might spark something. otherwise id just content myself with making backgrounds, perhaps see how many different ways you can start from a blank page?
    I am trying to use up supplies that I don't like, it is giving me a certain freedom as I don't really care too much. Love your page. Take care. Joanne

    1. Thank you Joanne, and thanks for reminding me of backgrounds, that's something I used to do when I first started, just play with colour. I think part of my problem is over thinking it! I love to draw and have been using my left hand which for me is my non dominant. This has been very freeing as I don't expect anything good.


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my blog. Your comments are appreciated.

Hugs Debs xxx

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