Wednesday, 2 November 2016

The winners

Hi everyone thank you so much for popping in, I've finally got round to drawing the winners of my stamps! Remember that giveaway from way back when? Well it closed on Monday, but life has got in the way. I've done it now and the winners are in no particular order:  

Irene Walker


Randi Cook


Sarah Dunkley


Kim Tangledblue Rose



Please email me your addresses and I'll get them sent out asap! 

Wow that was fun! Getting the number and then counting down to see who had won. Congratulations to winners, but thank you all for taking part and supporting me. I really do appreciate it. I'll be doing another give in the near future so watch this space!


Now on to a few projects that I have created, I must admit I haven't had a lot of time to play, and these projects were really quick ones, but I hope you like them. 


First is a journal page which I did get slightly carried away with but it turned out okay in the end, I think?

Next a couple of tags followed by an acrylic ATC



 Hope to have more play time at the weekend!


You all take care and I'll be back soon

Hugs Debs xxx




  1. Oh so excited thank you 😊 can't wait to play with stamps xx

  2. well done to all your winners, and I love what you have being doing with them xx

  3. ooo such wonderful projects, I love seeing what you create! and so excited, thank you so much I adore your stamps!~kim

  4. Do you happen to know when your designs will be available to buy?xx

  5. Congratulations to the winners - and I just love your tags and page. The flowers are so fresh and spontaneous... it feels like the kind of garden I grew up in - not too perfect but full of lovely plants getting on with growing freely.
    Alison x

  6. So happy to see my name picked, thrilled to try your beautiful stamps! Thank you :)


Thank you for taking the time to read and comment on my blog. Your comments are appreciated.

Hugs Debs xxx

Note: only a member of this blog may post a comment.