Anyway onto a quick play I had the other evening! It took me over a week to get the craft room sorted, but whilst packing I made myself a an emergency bag of craft stuff as I knew it would take a while to get straight. In all honesty I haven't had the energy or motivation to do much crafting but hope now I'm straight and settled in that my creativity will return. So here it is!

I didn't take any process shots as I was in the moment and enjoying myself, but I'll walk you through the stages!
The background was Infusions by Paper Artsy which I sprinkled onto the page and spritzed with lots of water, I then used a wooden stirrer from a coffee shop to spread the colour around the page.
Next I stamped the feature again from Paper Artsy Wings Plate 1 and then I used one of the lovely Emma Godfrey's new Stencils which were released this week. Here's a link to the blog where you can see all the stamps and Stencils in this release.
You can see that I added some shapes of my own which I painted with Inktense pencils from Dewent.
Hope you like my page!
Take care for now
Hugs xxx