Sunday, 7 August 2016

All fixed

Hello peeps thanks for popping in, as I have a little project I'd like to share which I hope you will find useful at some time. I've created a journal page which I'm satisfied with out of two pieces of work which weren't working for me. Here's how it goes...  
  Yesterday I had a quick play with Jo Firth Young's new release for Paper Artsy but didn't actually but didn't have a design in mind. I just stamped and painted, loving the play and enjoying the new stamps. They are great for colouring what ever your medium of choice is, and to help us with shading Jo has including some shaded areas.
A few days ago I had a play with a stamp from Trish Latimer's second release of her whimsey girls, this one is number 2. I loved the her but didn't like the background I had created, so had left it on the side.   
Looking at both of these pieces on my desk while drinking a coffee, an idea came to mind, to cut out the bits I liked and stick onto a new background, creating something with which I'm happy.  So I set out to create a new background using Prima watercolour paper 8x8 and Ecoline Watercolour paints. I used a Windor and Newton Sable #10 brush and added water all over the page. First using green I covered the bottom of the page and tipped it to drip. I repeated the same at the top with purple. 
I added blue to the top and dried it, then used a technique by Tim Holzt spritz and flick, added lots of water to the page. I let it sit for a while and then with a dry cloth I removed the surface water and then dried with a heat tool.
Now I had my background ready I chose my elements and cut them out. I wouldn't usually mix up stamps in this way, i.e. two different designers, but I hope I can be forgiven this time.  Arranging them on the background until satisfied with the layout,  I then stamped the tree from JOFY 47 and using a mix of oil pastel and water soluble pencil coloured it in.
Finally I put it all together and stuck it all down. I added a few white splats and white dots and went round the elements in black pen to anchor them to the page. Here's another look.
And there you have it! If you really cannot salvage or rework your piece , pick what you like from it, cut it out and use it
To make something new!
Take care as always 
Hugs xx


  1. Debs, I love it - mind you I didn't think there was anything wrong with your flowery piece using Jo's new stamps to start with... but it turned out great!

  2. Oh I do agree that the final composition is the best. You have such a good 'eye' when you know that something isn't quite what you had imagined. For me, I would have been very happy with your first compositions lol! I love the way you've used those inks to form the background. I'm going to have a go at that! You've inspired me. I love the way you've mixed the stamps. I think JoFy's stamps mix well with so many others - particularly Stampotique! A fab post Debs. As always.

  3. Great journal ! She looks fab amongst the flowers !
    Corrie x

  4. There is so much to adore about this!!!!


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Hugs Debs xxx

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